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Migration to gitlab.postmarketos.org

October 5, 2024 at 10:00 PM UTC


Resolved after 23h 20m October 6, 2024 at 9:20 PM UTC

(Find updates at the bottom)

On Sunday, 2024-10-06 00:00 CEST, we are migrating from gitlab.com to our self-hosted instance at gitlab.postmarketos.org. It is expected to take the whole day (a test import took 18 hours).

  • Projects (pmbootstrap, pmaports, etc.) will be read-only during the migration, meaning that you can’t create issues, merge requests or comment on these.

  • Accounts in gitlab.postmarketos.org will be approved after the migration is done.

  • Read postmarketos#77 for more information on the migration plan, why we migrate to a self-hosted gitlab instance in the first place and why to that instead of Forgejo, SourceHut, etc.

Update 18:15 CEST:

  • Transfer is still ongoing for pmaports.git, but has completed for all other repositories.

  • Mirroring of git repositories to gitlab.com has been set up here.

After the transfer of all repositories has completed, the next steps are as follows.

  • Set up permissions for Core Contributors, Trusted Contributors, Active Contributors (see team).

  • Unarchive all imported repositories at gitlab.postmarketos.org. (The repositories at gitlab.com will stay archived.)

  • Approval of accounts, so https://gitlab.postmarketos.org can be used. It will probably take a few more hours until we reach this point, please be patient.

  • Various clean up tasks (e.g. recreating epics as milestones, ensuring/fixing push hooks to various sites like postmarketos.org, adjust all repos where we have gitlab.com/postmarketos hardcoded)

Update 23:00 CEST:

  • Repositories are transferred. The transfer ran into a timeout for 125 merge requests in pmaports.git, those were not transferred. For all old merge requests, we just recommend looking at the archived ones at gitlab.com (we won’t delete them). These also have the proper users associated to comments, which was not possible with the import.

  • It seems that all issues were imported successfully.

  • All imported merge requests have been closed (as they are now owned by the “Administrator” user who was used during import). If you had an open merge request that is still relevant, please re-submit it at gitlab.postmarketos.org. We realize that this is inconvenient, but it was not possible to do this differently as users from gitlab.com could not be mapped to users on gitlab.postmarketos.org (even if they already existed and were approved at time of transfer).

  • Accounts are being approved now. If you just registered, give us some time to review new account requests. We should be able to do it within a day usually.

  • If you run into any issues, please write in the postmarketos-devel IRC/matrix channel.

  • Some of the mentioned clean up tasks still need to be done, this will be tracked in postmarketos#77 (now on gitlab.postmarketos.org).

Last updated: October 6, 2024 at 11:19 PM UTC